Tuesday, June 17, 2014

30 or so years

About 30 years ago I met Mark Cramer at the Perkins School of Piano Tuning and Technology in Elyria, Ohio.

He flew into Knoxville to tend to some piano business.  We met for dinner and spent hours talking and catching up.  We could have spent many more.

Twin sons from different mothers?

Since his lovely wife, Cheryl, didn't join him on this trip, he was Caroline's date.

If you squint really hard and use a lot of imagination you'll see a photo of Edison on Angie's phone.

Thanks, Mark, for taking the time to look me up and suggesting we get together.  We shouldn't have waited 30 years to do this.

If you need a piano tuned, I'd highly recommend contacting Mark at MySteinway.ca. Note: This service is primarily for potential clients in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

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