This is a photo of the Beverwycks, a team from Rouses Point, New York, in 1888. The man wearing a tie (Jesse Holcombe) is my sixth cousin, three times removed. On my mom's side of the family.
This photo was probably printed in The North Countryman in early 1939, soon after Jesse died.
Here's a transcription of some baseball news from 1890...
The Plattsburgh Sentinel - Friday, August 8, 1890
Base Ball Games
-- A female nine from Ohio will play at Rouses Point on Friday.
-- The game between the Hotel Champlains of Bluff Point and the Beverwycks at Rouses Point last Friday resulted in a score of 9 to 17 in favor of the latter.
-- The game between the Cuban Giants of New York and the Hotel Champlains, played at Plattsburgh last Saturday, was a bad defeat for the local club, the score standing 11 to 1.
-- A special train will leave Plattsburgh at 1:30 p.m., on Friday for Rouses Point to convey those who desire to witness the game between the Female Nine and the Beverwycks, stopping in West Chazy and Chazy, and returning after the game. Fare for round trip, 50 cents.
-- A new home team has been organized at Plattsburgh, with Heffernan and Hubbell pitchers, Hackett and Paul Smith catchers, George Stave, S. D. Curtis, Ned Baker, G. W. Hickey, F. K. Kyle, and S. V. Beckwith, fielders. The new team played a game with Hotel Champlain club yesterday afternoon, which resulted in a victory for the Plattsburghs, the score being 5 to 4.
I joined a Yahoo! fantasy sports baseball league. Some of the guys at work thought that it would be fun. Sure. For them.
Next week I take Edison to Arizona to spend some time with my folks. My mom is having knee replacement surgery, and we'll be taking care of Dad and checking in on mom. They've made arrangements for us to go see a spring training game. The Rockies vs. the White Sox. Edison and I have never been to a spring training game. It should be fun.